
6 Common Adult Skin Problems & How to Treat Them

adult skin problems and their treatment

When it comes to adult skin problems, consistency is more important than anything else. Because it changes like a roller coaster: one day you find your skin perfectly fine, and another morning when you wake up, you look in the mirror and notice acne, pimples, dryness and pigmentation  that were not there yesterday.

Instead of searching on Google for how to treat dark circles, dull skin, or any other skincare problem. To make your life as well as your skincare routine simple, here we have discussed the top 6 adult skin problems together and how to treat them.

Common Adult Skin Problems and Their Treatment:

Adult Skin Problems#1 : Dark Circles

Not get enough sleep last night? We concur. It’s ideal to obtain eight hours of sleep, but that isn’t always possible. Lack of sleep is the most common reason of pesky skin concerns such as dark circles.

Causes of Dark Circles:

Dark circles are a common adult skin problems that can affect both men and women of all ages. They are dark, discolored circles that appear around the eyes and can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

  • Genetics
  • Allergies
  • Stress
  • Fatigue
  • Lack of sleep

Treatment of Dark Circles:

Dark circles can be difficult to treat and may require a combination of lifestyle changes and medical treatments. Some lifestyle changes that may help reduce the appearance of dark circles include getting enough sleep, managing stress levels, avoiding allergens, and using a good eye cream such as The Body Shop 48H Vitamin-E Eye Cream. Medical treatments such as laser therapy, chemical peels, and fillers may also be used to reduce the appearance of dark circles.

dark circles

Adult Skin Problems#2 Eye Bags:

Eye bags are actually mild swelling or puffiness around the eyes. As you become older, the tissues around your eyes, particularly some of the muscles supporting your eyelids, weaken. The lower eyelids may then migrate into the fat that supports the eyes, giving them a puffy appearance.

Causes of Eye Bags:

Some major causes of eye bags are:
⦁ Smoking
⦁ allergies
⦁ depression, lack of sleep (less than 8 hours)
⦁ eating too much salt.

Treatment of Eye Bags:

Sometimes it seems like you’ll never get rid of such a skin problem. But luckily, there are various remedies that can defeat under-eye bags. You can either use eye cream that has a medical tip applicator for quick response or go for any medication or surgical treatment if the adult skin problems is getting severe. Eye cream such as Cerave eye repair cream gives you a cooling effect and feels like a chilled cucumber slice that depuffs your eyes.

eye bags

Adult Skin Problems#3 : Redness on Face

If you’re suffering from redness on your face, don’t worry, you are not alone. Although dealing with uneven skin tone is difficult, proper care and the use of best creams can help you get rid of it.

Causes of Facial Redness:

The main causes of redness on your face are:

⦁ Rosacea
⦁ allergy
⦁ skin irritation
⦁ alcohal
⦁ spicy food
⦁ shingles
⦁ gentics
⦁ extreme hot weather
⦁ non-comedogenic makeup or too much use of makeup.

Treatment of Facial Redness:

Use color-correcting cosmetics to cover up the red tones in your skin. Yes, your cosmetic routine will save you by giving the impression that your skin tone is even. Moreover, you can also treat facial redness with aloe vera. cool water bath, cucumber, sunscreen, etc.

Redness on face

Adult Skin Problems#4: Large Pores

Large pores an another most common skincare problem and no one want it. Right? Enlarged pores are depressions in the surface of the adult skin problems of the face that have one or more openings to the ducts that take sweat and oil away from the respective sebaceous and eccrine glands.

Causes of Large Pores:

Some of the major causes of large pores are:

⦁ Excessive sebum production
⦁ loss of the elasticity of the skin
⦁ Sun burn
⦁ Non-comedogenic cosmetic products

Treatment of Large Pores on Adult Skin:

Even though it’s not possible to completely get rid of enlarged pores. There are many ways to make them look smaller so that your skin looks supple. Some of the easiest way to treat enlarged pores are mentioned below:

⦁ Use water based products and makeup that contains humectant.
⦁ Wash your face twice a day
⦁ Use gel based cleanser as it is more suitable for oily skin type.
⦁ Moisturize your skin daily with an oil free moisturiser that helps to remove pore engagement such as Neutrogena spot controlling.
⦁ Don’t forget to remove your makeup before going to sleep.

large pores adult skin problems

Adult Skin Problems#5 : Blackheads

Blackheads are small, dark bumps that appear on the skin due to clogged hair follicles. They are a type of acne and are caused by excess oil, dirt, and bacteria that become trapped in the pores. It can appear on the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders, and arms.

Causes of Blackheads :

The main causes of blackheads are:

⦁ Propionibacterium acnes bacterial overgrowth on the skin.
⦁ Excessive oil production on the skin
⦁ Harmonal changes during menstruation
⦁ Drugs such as lithium, and androgens etc.

Treatment of Blackheads:

Blackheads can be difficult to treat because they are deep within the skin. However, the best way to get rid of blackheads is to use a gentle cleanser and exfoliate regularly. This will help remove dead skin cells and excess oil that can clog pores.

Moreover, it is also important to use skincare products that contain salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide, which can help reduce inflammation and kill bacteria. Additionally, using a clay mask or charcoal mask can help draw out impurities from the skin.

If blackheads persist despite these treatments, it is important to see a dermatologist for further evaluation and treatment. A dermatologist may recommend prescription medications or other treatments such as chemical peels or laser therapy.

Adult Skin Problems#6 : Dull Skin:

Dull skin is a common skin condition that can affect anyone, regardless of age or skin type. It is characterized by a lack of luster and vibrancy in the skin, leaving it looking dull and lifeless.

Causes of Dull Skin:

Dull skin can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

⦁ Environmental stressors
⦁ Poor diet
⦁ Dehydration
⦁ Hormonal changes.

Treatment of Dull Skin:

To combat dull skin, it is important to take steps to improve your overall skin health. This includes eating a balanced diet full of fruits and vegetables, drinking plenty of water, and avoiding harsh skincare products. Furthermore, dull skin usually occurs when you fail to remove dead skin on a daily basis, so to deal with it, use gentle exfoliation to help brighten your complexion, such as St. Ives Face Scrub.

Moreover, you can also give your skin some extra TLC with regular facials or other treatments. As it help to remove dead skin cells and promote cell turnover.

Dull skin