Perfect Diet Food as Per your Skin Type

When it comes to skincare, people might think that they only need to treat their skin from outside with the help of skincare products. However, there are many internal factors that make your skin either good or worst, one of which is food. So let’s discuss how you should intake food as per your skin type.
Food can have a significant effect on the skin. Eating a balanced diet that is rich in vitamins, minerals, zinc, and antioxidants can help to keep the skin healthy and glowing. Apart from this, researchers and studies say, that the perfect food for you depends on the type of your skin. Just like we purchase different skincare products like serums or moisturiser according to our skin type.
In this article, we discussed the ultimate food for your skin type and how it affects your skin.
How to Identify your Skin Type?
Before you going toward shopping, first of all find your skin type. There are 4 main type of skin:
⦁ Oily
⦁ Dry
⦁ Combination
⦁ Normal
Along with these skin type, there are other skin related issues as well such as acne, dullness, pimples etc.
Here, the question is how can you find your skin type? According to the dermatologist, your skin may experience following symptoms or conditions:
⦁ Oily Skin: Shiny
⦁ Dry skin: Red, flaky, irritated
⦁ Combination skin: Some areas of the skin are oily, while others are dry.
Food as per your Skin Types:
1. Good Foods for Dry Skin:
Dry skin can become easily irritated, sensitive, and red, particularly when it is subjected to extreme climatic conditions such as harsh winters, hot summers, or even excessive air conditioning. All of these things can deplete the skin of its nutrients and cause it to become dehydrated. Therefore, if you have a dry skin, it is essential for you to intake hydrated foods as per your skin type to keep your skin moisturise. However, you should take the following diet:
⦁ Avocados – great source of healthy fats
⦁ Nuts – enriched with Vitamin E and fatty acids
⦁ Seeds
⦁ Olive oil – contain healthy fats and antioxidants
⦁ Fresh vegetabels – spinach, kale, broccoli, sweet potatoes, kale, tomatoes and pomegranate etc.
Worst Foods for Dry Skin:
⦁ Processed Foods – high in sodium and sugar, both of which can cause dehydration and dryness in the skin.
⦁ Alcohol – It is a diuretic, meaning it causes the body to lose more water than it takes in.
⦁ Caffeine – It is also a diuretic.⦁ Dairy Products – high in saturated fat, which can clog pores and lead to dryness.
⦁ Fried Foods: high in trans fats, which are a form of unsaturated fat associated with various negative effects on health
2. Good Foods for Oily Skin:
Acne is more likely to appear on skin that is oily, therefore keeping your skin hydrated should be your first line of defence. Consume more water and take food as per your skin type that are enriched with water, such as cucumber, lemon, and mint, to maintain hydrated, glowing, and oil-free skin.
According to dermatologists, people with oily skin should consume foods like:
⦁ Fish – great source of omega-3 fatty acids
⦁ Cucumber and watermelon – contain lycopene that protect the skin from sun damage.
⦁ Fruits like Oranges, grape fruit, kiwi and stawberries – enriched with vitamin C that helps flush out the oiliness of the skin.
⦁ Broccoli – improves digestion which is major cause of acne-prone oily skin.
Worst Foods for Oily Skin:
⦁ Lessen the use of ultra processed food such as fries, crackers and pakoras.
⦁ Refined sugar – high in calories and can increase oil production in the skin, leading to breakouts. Dermatologists advise to consume less than 10% sugar per day, if you have an oily skin.
2. Good Foods for Combination Skin:
As combination skin is the mixture of both oily as well as dry. Therefore, combining the meal for two different types of skin is a fantastic idea. People who have combination skin may not need to completely abstain from carbohydrates, but it’s important to notice what type of grain or wheat you are eating.
⦁ Carbohydrates – Consume carbs that are high in protein and low in glycemic like quinoa and brown rice.
⦁ Vegetable – green and orange vegatables as it contains minerals, fiber and beta carotene.
⦁ Fermented foods such as kimchi, miso, yogurt, and vinegar etc.
Worst Foods for Combination Skin:
⦁ Omit processed food
⦁ Limit the use of sugar
These types of food as per your skin type put an excessive amount of strain on your liver and do not supply your bloodstream with beneficial nutrients that can feed your skin.
4. Good Foods for Acne-Prone Skin:
Acne is the most common problem among teenagers, but it can affect your skin at any age. For more details you can read out our article about “A Complete Guide about Acne: Early symptoms, causes and How To Treat it “.
Along with using various skincare products, if you have acne prone skin, you should also keep a close eye on your diet and how it affects your skin.
Here we list down some best and worst food as per your skin type for acne-prone skin:
⦁ Green vegetables
⦁ Tomatoes
⦁ Sea foods like fish and prawn
⦁ Brown rice
⦁ Seeds of pumpkin
⦁ Red or yellow fruits such as apricot, pineapple, melon and carrot etc.
Worst Foods for Acne-Prone Skin:
⦁ Dairy products such as milk, yogurt, cheese.
⦁ Fast food such as zinger, broast, fries, fried chicken
⦁ Processed foods
⦁ Coconut and palm oil
⦁ Sugar
⦁ White rice and white bread.