Excessive Sweat & Hair Loss: Does Sweating Cause Hair Loss?

Sweating works as a cooling mechanism for the body. The nervous system triggers the sweat gland when the temperature rises. Suppose you don’t protect your scalp and take proper care of it. Sweat can lead to hair loss by clogging hair follies and distorting hair growth. Extensive sweat can cause an unpleasant environment for the hair which causes hair loss. Therefore, it is true to say that excessive sweating cause hair loss. There is a medical condition namely, hyperhidrosis which causes the human body to release extensive sweating. Sweating leaves bacteria on your scalp which damage your roots and make hair thinner.
What Causes Excessive Hair Loss and Sweating?
Does sweating cause hair loss? Before you get into the solution for oily skin first let’s first get into the solution of what is causing your hair to fall. Here are some of the most common reasons for hair fall.
1. Overactive Glands and Sweat:
The most common cause of sweating is overactive sweat glands which create signals to the nerves while making sweat glands overactive and raising body temperature.
2. Stress:
Stress can play an important role in sweating and it causes hair loss. Sweat creates an overall disturbance in the scalp and causes itching and damage to roots.
3. Heat:
Experts say that the way the sun damages your skin also damages the scalp and head roots. Heating is dangerous even for your hair care, it is important to take proper care of hair even in humid weather.
4. Physical Exertion:
Avoid extra strenuous activities on warm days, and also avoid getting out in the sun during peak hours.
5. Hormonal Changes:
Excessive sweating can also be caused by hormonal changes that can occur during pregnancy and adolescence. These changes can be referred to as menopause and hormonal medication.
6. Spicy Food:
Spicy food is the main culprit if you consume a lot of spices. Capsaicin, a chemical found in spicy foods, is the culprit. It stimulates nerves leaving you with a warmth that makes you sweat.
How to Refrain from Sweat Damaging Hair?
There are some remedies to help you get rid of the oily sweaty scalp. They can be used by anyone however if any of them irritates your skin consult your doctor first.
1. Apple Vinegar:
Apple vinegar is used to control sweat. Mix 2 tables spoons of vinegar in the warm water. massage this mixture on the scalp and leave it for a couple of minutes and then rinse it off.
2. Essential Oils:
Massage your scalp with the hair oil can soothe it and reduce hair fall. Experts recommend cedarwood oil to control hair fall. Lavender oil has anti-microbial and anti-bacterial properties that keep the scalp healthy.
3. Leave-in Conditioners:
Before getting into activities that need physical effort protect your hair with a hair serum that has nourishing properties or deep conditioning after work out.
4. Wear breathable Cloths:
Do not wear the tight and non-breathable fabric as this causes extensive warmth in the body. It’s best to avoid warm fabric.
5. Avoid Spicy Food:
Spicy food always raises the body temperature and activates sweat glands. Experts also recommend not to have coffee as well if you have sweating issues.
6. Stay Hydrated:
Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to avoid the excess release of water from the body.
7. DIY Face Mask:
There are several DIY face masks available. You can mix three spoons of lemon juice and 2 teaspoons of coconut oil and massage it on the scalp for a few minutes then rinse it off gently moreover, you can also try yogurt and egg mask.
8. Meditation:
Sometimes heavy sweat is due to extensive medication. And there can be the medical reason as well. If the sweat is too much and is not controlling either then you should visit a doctor to detect the reason.
Signs that the Hair Loss is Caused by Sweating:
There are a few common signs to detect if sweating cause hair loss or any other reason.
1. Immature Hair Shedding:
If you are young and your hair fall is more than for anyone of your age. Then you should consult your doctor.
2. Premature Greying:
If you are in your twenties and are going through grey hairs. It may be due to stress and anxiety to consult a psychologist to get the solution.
Ways in which Sweating Damage your Hair
There are various ways in which sweating can destroy your hair growth and cause hair fall. According to a study published in the journal of Skin Appendage Disorders, excessive sweat is the main cause of Frontal fibrosing alopecia (FFA) disorder both in men and women.
1. Sweat Makes your Hair Dull and Frizzy:
When the head sweat so much, people tend to wash their heads more often which causes them to get dry and frizzy hair which makes their hair lifeless.
2. Your Hair Looks Oily Always:
When you have sweat in your hair it greases your hair and your hair appears oily and wavy.
3. Itchiness is Hat your Sweaty Scalp has to Offer:
According to a study published in the journal Experimental Dermatology, sweat clogs your scalp’s pores and doesn’t let them breathe.
That is why we experience itchiness when in the hair after sweating.
4. It Makes Hair Smell:
Sweat can stay and dry out over your head which irritates the scalp and cause it to smell.
If your hair is getting thinner due to sweating try using these remedies.
- Use eggs in the affected area or prepare a mask to cover the head entirely.
- Olive oil massage will amaze you with the results as it contains omega
- Proper nutrition
- Orange puree
- Avacado oil
- Castor oil
- Coconut oil
Massaging these oil will help in getting rid for hair issues entirely, except if they are not medical because only medical issues prevail.